Slide Show

Doug ‘Signman’

I found the focus of my slide show project when I was doing the actual interview, after editing the interview down over and over again I started to think of pictures that could go with a ‘day in his life.’ When I first started out I had almost 12 minutes of interview, but though the editing and listening with the pictures I was able to combine the audio and visual components.
What worked the best for me in this project was just spending the time on it. I don’t think that I would have liked it half as much if I would have thrown it all together at the last minute. Still even with putting effort into the final project it was hard to get everything from someone “interesting” out of a day in the life. If I were to do this project over again I think I would pick some one that I at least knew, and would let me follow them to school/work or other events. The hardest part of this project was finding someone that not only would allow you to just follow them around all day, but also did interesting things when you weren’t doing anything.

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